FREE REPORT: How to Reduce Rent Delinquency and Post-Move
Out Collections
What Every Property Manager Needs to Know.
Across the country, property owners and managers are increasingly using a credit reporting solution to report resident rent payments to the credit bureaus. Reporting resident rent payments both rewards high quality residents and reduces delinquency/post-move out collections.
Learn about the turnkey solution that can help you raise your per-unit and
per-resident revenue in no time.
Get Paid On Time
It has been proven that creating incentives for residents can create a massive reduction in delinquency. Increasing on-time rent payments can help you decrease stress and get your team's time back by taking steps to earning predictable revenue.
Increase Resident Satisfaction
Resident credit reporting is an amenity. The more clearly you communicate this to your residents, the happier they’ll be with their rental agreement. Now, every time a resident pays their rent on time, they can have the opportunity to positively improve their credit score.
Fill Vacancies Faster
Credit reporting naturally attracts higher quality residents, and proves to be be a very attractive addition to your resident rewards package. Now, fill your vacancies faster with financially responsible residents who are motivated to improve and maintain their financial standing.
Earn a 50% Reduction in Delinquency and Raise Your Per-Resident Revenue
How much would you be willing to pay each month for increased revenue combined with fewer management hassles and better quality residents? What if we told you you don't have to pay anything at all - your revenue per resident actually increases. Most property owners and managers don't have the time to learn how to report rent payments, but having customer service and resident issues taken care of for you allows you to focus on what matters most.
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